Before being able to purchase our bus, we first had to make sure we would be able to drive it on the road. If not, what would be the point of a mobile home that doesn't go anywhere?
Lucky for us, the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) was right around the corner. Within minutes we had the answers to all our questions with documentation for support.
We learned that the first thing we should do with our bus, before registering it, was remove the seats and paint over the yellow and school signage. Having done this, we could now register our bus as either an RV or truck without requiring any special license or insurance for passengers. This saved us a whole lot of trouble. Anyone who will be converting a bus with air brakes and/or suspension should note that they will still need a special license.
With exceptional service, the MTO was even able to provide us the exact dimensional limits to which we could build our bus. Measurements that are essential to maximizing the full potential of our Skoolie with both a roof raise and a rear extension.